SEA: The Octopus deceives its prey by changing color to match the environment and when in danger uses ink. The octopus here uses its tentacles to reach for its prey. A fish becomes falls victim and ink is expelled; vanishing until its next encounter.
AIR: The feathers of an owl allow it to go unnoticed in the trees. This allows the animal to attack from a lookout position and sleep in the day and avoid “mobbing” from other birds. The owl in this illustration is trying to steal a meal (2 field mice) from two unsuspecting owls.
LAND: How many do you see? The back of the Malaysian Leaf Frog resembles the leaves in it’s environment. The frogs on the top half of the panel are shown from underneath (disguise blown) making it unable to attack whereas the frog on the lower half of illustration is able to grab a bite.